Final Thoughts
I knew going into this class that the world was pretty divided when it came to politics and ideology. Things were rough. I think that this class has helped me realize that I need to listen to others more if things are going to change for the better. Since the election, I have shut down to conversations with the right and I think that in part, this class has helped me realize that’s not helping any one. I really enjoyed reading Nobody this class and think that everyone should take the time to read it! I also really think the old notion of who can be a public intellectual is bullshit. Now a days everyone has access to infinite information and intelligence can come from anywhere.
The only thing I find frustrating about this class is the word
count on this final paper. 😉
You're right Janie, learning to listen is very important and I think the discussions in this class did help me realize that as well. Difficult conversations need to be held in order for progress to take place. I enjoyed hearing your thoughts during this class.