Prompt 3
I think that Political Science, Economics and History are
probably the most well represented disciplines in the media. Currently, the biggest
stories of our time revolve around politics, money and the influence past
events have them. It’s interesting to
note however, money/economics are discussed in a way that targets wealth. The
media doesn’t address how some economic forces and bad politics have left a lot of people very poor. I think to that
affect, sociology is left out of the discussion.
As a person of color, I rarely see people like me
represented. If a person of color is represented, they are often used as the
token POC, used only to agree with a point being made by a white narrative. If you
want an example of this, look up Stacy Dash.
The media’s holds a white, hetero, able-bodied narrative. I am not saying that those perspectives don’t matter but rather that our perspectives matter too!
I think that in the media, issues that surround LGBT POC are
often ignored; as are the perspectives that come from people who are disabled. There
is also a lack of representation of Islam in a positive light. There is such a
misunderstanding of Islam and what it means to be Muslim. The media could do a
better job of educating the public by letting Muslims lead the conversation.
"The media’s holds a white, hetero, able-bodied narrative. I am not saying that those perspectives don’t matter but rather that our perspectives matter too!" I like this, Inclusivity matters!